Ensuring Cross-curricular Integration of Disciplines in the Training оf Professional Training of Students in Engineering Specialties
professional training, training of specialists of machine-building industry, formation of competences, improvement of the educational process, inter subject integrationAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of use between subject integration in the process of training specialists in higher education institutions. Its advantages and possible disadvantages that arise in the process of its realization are identified.
The object of study is the process of professional training of future specialists in the mechanical engineering industry.
The purpose of this article is to identify ways to ensure cross-curricular integration of professional and safety-cycle disciplines in the preparation of future engineering professionals.
Based on the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, the levels of cross-curricular integration (between subject relations, didactic synthesis and creation of new disciplines) were determined and methodological features were determined at each of the given levels.
The principles of the implementation of intersubject integration were specified, in particular, such as freedom of choice (providing students with the opportunity to independently search for information and make responsible decisions); frankness (the formation of an understanding that most real production tasks do not have a clear answer and the consequences depend on the decision made by the employee); activities (the development of knowledge, skills through the active activity of students) and the provision of constant feedback.
On the basis of generalization of own pedagogical experience and theoretical searches, directions of realization of cross-curricular integration in professional training of future workers of the machine-building industry were outlined.
Prospects for further research are the development of methodological support between the subject integration of professional and safety cycle disciplines in the process of training future specialists in mechanical engineering.
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