Perspectives of the implementation of the practical lesson “Determination of zones of soil pollution from msw and calculation of the energy consumptions of their cleaning” from the discipline of Life safety
practical training, Life Safety, soil pollution, environmental protection, municipal solid waste, calculation of cleaning energy consumptionAbstract
In this paper, a method of engineering calculations is proposed, which is necessary for the implementation of the practical lesson “Definition of soil contamination zones of municipal solid waste and calculation of energy costs of their cleaning” from the normative discipline of life safety in order to promote the deepening of knowledge on the protection of the lithosphere, as a component of the natural environment, of future specialists.
The purpose of the article is the development of the engineering calculation methodology necessary for the implementation of the practical exercise “Definition of zones of soil contamination by municipal solid waste and calculation of energy costs of their cleaning” from the discipline of life safety to promote the deepening of knowledge on the protection of the lithosphere of future specialists.
The proposed method of engineering calculations includes the calculation of: the size of the zones of soil contamination by pollutants (heavy metals, benzapyrene, petroleum products) around municipal solid waste landfills, the specific energy consumption of landfill soil cleaning by electrochemical remediation from heavy metal contamination, the energy consumption of soil cleaning of municipal solid waste disposal landfills of municipal solid waste both by individual heavy metals and general. The specific energy costs of cleaning the soil of municipal solid waste landfills by the method of electrochemical remediation from pollution were determined depending on the required level of heavy metal concentrations. The energy costs of cleaning the soil of municipal solid waste landfills by the electrochemical remediation method of pollution were determined taking into account the size of the pollution zones and the size of the municipal solid waste landfill. Based on the comparison and comparison of the experimental data obtained as a result of the research, it was established that the success rate of the students of both experimental groups according to the stobal scale was significantly higher than the success rate of the students of the control groups, which means the introduction of the proposed practical lesson from the regulatory discipline “Life Safety” into the educational process is promising. The construction of methods of engineering calculations for the protection of the atmosphere and hydrosphere require further research.
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