Developing competence for professionals in vocational education
professional training, vocational education, development of professional competence, improvement of the learning process, competency-based approach in higher education, competency structure, preparation of future professionalsAbstract
The article examines the process of forming competence among future professionals in the field of
vocational education, explores theoretical approaches to defining the essence and structure of professional
competence, as well as methods and strategies for its development. Professional competence is a crucial factor
for success in the job market and a defining quality of future professionals. In this context, the role of vocational
education in shaping this competence is discussed, emphasizing the need to combine theoretical knowledge
with practical skills.
The impact of innovative teaching approaches on the formation of professional competence is
investigated, including the use of information and communication technologies and active learning methods.
It is determined that contemporary challenges in the economy and technological advancements require future
professionals to have a deeper understanding of the specifics of their field and the ability to adapt quickly to
The article provides an analysis of the peculiarities of training specialists specializing in the field of
specialization 015 «Vocational Education». The main problems arising during their training are identified, and
proposed solutions are outlined, particularly those based on a competency-based approach to the formation of
professional competence in teachers. This approach is considered a key factor in enhancing the quality of
future professionals' training. The importance of further research in this area and the search for optimal
methods of forming competence in vocational education professionals is emphasized.
The results of this study can be valuable for higher educational institutions, educators, and students
aiming to improve the quality of vocational education and enhance their competitiveness in the job market.
Given the complexity and multifaceted nature of the chosen topic, future research prospects include the
development, testing, and implementation of innovative pedagogical methods in the educational environment
to ensure the high-quality training of vocational education professionals
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