Using AI in teaching physical and technical disciplines in the STEM context




AI, educational process, STEM, innovative platforms, higher education students, physical and technical disciplines


The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in teaching physical and technical disciplines in the context of STEM education. Modern tools and technologies are considered, such as virtual laboratories (Labster), computing platforms (Wolfram Alpha), adaptive learning systems (Cognitive Tutor), and deep learning models. Particular attention is paid to the advantages of AI, including personalization of learning, automation of assessment, modelling of complex physical processes, and integration of experimental data into the educational process of educational institutions of various types and profiles.

The article highlights practical cases, in particular, the use of neural networks to predict the dynamics of physical systems, the use of simulations to study optics and thermodynamics, and the supporting independent work of higher education students through interactive platforms. The advantages of AI for increasing the effectiveness of learning, developing analytical thinking in subjects of study, and forming skills for solving real technical problems are summarized.

The proposed recommendations for integrating AI into educational programs of the physical and technical profile are aimed at improving the interdisciplinary approach, expanding access to modern educational resources, and developing STEM soft skills in subjects of study.

Author Biographies

Olha Kuzmenko, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs

D. Sc. in Pedagogy, Professor, Academic Secretary of the Secretariat of the Academic Council, Leading researcher of the Department of Information and Didactic Modelling of the National Center «Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Iryna Kobylianska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Candidate of Sc. (Pedagogical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety and Safety Pedagogy


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Abstract views: 22



How to Cite

O. Kuzmenko and I. Kobylianska, “Using AI in teaching physical and technical disciplines in the STEM context”, ПедБез, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 64–69, Dec. 2024.






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