Features of the laboratory work «Measuring resistance to the spreading current of grounding devices, soil resistance, insulation of networks and electrical installations» with the help of a virtual laboratory bench
virtual laboratory stand; interactive information technologies; laboratory work; labor protection in the industry; resistance measurement; current spreading; grounding; grounding device; soil resistivity; isolation.Abstract
The materials of this scientific article consider the possibility of using a virtual laboratory stand during the laboratory work carried out by students of higher education institutions under the name «Measurement of the resistance to the spread of the current of grounding devices, the specific resistance of the soil, the insulation of networks and electrical installations». This laboratory work is included in the curriculum of the normative educational component «Occupational safety in the industry and civil protection». The article examines the specific advantages of using a virtual stand, in particular its role in improving the quality of the educational process, expanding access to resources, and optimizing educational costs.
The purpose of this article is to consider the main possibilities of using the proposed virtual laboratory stand as an innovative approach in the study of complex technical processes and ensuring a high level of training during laboratory work on the topic «Measurement of resistance to the spread of current of grounding devices, soil resistivity, insulation of networks and electrical installations».
This laboratory work is a component of the curriculum of the normative educational component aimed at forming in students the ability to identify, analyze and evaluate potential risks associated with the production environment, and which is entitled «Occupational Safety and Civil Protection». Particular attention is paid to the methodology of conducting laboratory work using a virtual stand, including steps for configuring the software, algorithms for performing measurements and analyzing the received data. Methods of simulating various measurement conditions are described in detail, allowing students to practice scenarios that would be difficult or dangerous to implement in real conditions.
In the materials of the article, an overview of the interface and functionality of the developed computer program, which reproduces the control components of real laboratory equipment and is intended for the implementation of the functions of a virtual laboratory stand, is reviewed, the key capabilities of the proposed program are described, including the simulation of various laboratory scenarios and the availability of theoretical materials necessary for preparing and conducting a laboratory session, as well as a detailed reproduction of the appearance and control components of real experimental laboratory equipment, which contributes to the creation of a feeling of working with physical devices, the implementation of mathematical models that accurately describe the dependence of output parameters on input parameters. It was also found that the use of similar technologies during other laboratory works from the above-mentioned normative educational component requires further thorough systematic research and publication of their results.
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