Intersubject connections in the process of studying the discipline of life safety and fundamentals of labor protection by future mechanical engineering profile specialists




Life Safety, Basics of labor protection, interdisciplinary connections, Student's criterion, linear correlation coefficient, Fisher's test


In this article, a study of interdisciplinary connections in the process of studying the discipline "Safety
of life and the basics of labor protection" by future specialists of the mechanical engineering profile is carried
The purpose of the article is the study of interdisciplinary connections in the process of studying the
discipline "Safety of life and the basics of occupational health and safety" by future specialists in the field of
mechanical engineering.
The research was conducted independently in two academic groups with different levels of success,
where students received grades on a stobal scale in different disciplines. The work compared the results of
students' success during the study of the following disciplines: "Physics", "Higher Mathematics", "Ecology
and the basics of biosafety and bioethics" and "Life safety and the basics of occupational health and safety".
The comparison of variances of different samples was performed using Fisher's test. The strength of
intersubject relationships was determined by the correlation method. A graphical interpretation of the levels of
inter-subject connections between the discipline "Safety of life and the basics of occupational safety" and such
subjects as "Higher mathematics", "Physics", "Ecology and the basics of biosafety and bioethics" was built for
two academic groups with different success rates. With 95% reliability, the hypothesis about the existence of
homogeneity of different samples and their belonging to one general population (future specialists of the
mechanical engineering profile) has been proven.
The studies carried out in the work testify to the existence of strong interdisciplinary connections in the
process of studying the regulatory discipline "Safety of life and the basics of labor protection" by future
specialists of the mechanical engineering profile. The determination of interdisciplinary connections during
the study of such a discipline as "Civil defense and labor protection in the industry" by future specialists of the
mechanical engineering profile requires further research.

Author Biography

Oleh Bereziuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor Sc. (Engineering), Associated Professor, Professor of the Chair Security of
Life and Safety Pedagogic


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Abstract views: 57



How to Cite

O. Bereziuk, “Intersubject connections in the process of studying the discipline of life safety and fundamentals of labor protection by future mechanical engineering profile specialists ”, ПедБез, vol. 6, no. 1-2, pp. 7–12, Oct. 2023.






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