Problems in Teaching Life Safety in the Course of Training Specialists in Radio ngineering Profile


  • Oleh Bereziuk Vinnytsia National Technical University



life safety, training of specialistsm, semester, optimization, Student's criterion


The study is conducted to determine the optimal semester for teaching the subject «Life Safety» during the training of future specialists in radio engineering. It is established that in different academic years the discipline «Safety of Life» during the training of future specialists of radio engineering profile at Vinnytsa National Technical University was taught in different semesters. The following semesters of teaching the subject «Safety of Life» were considered: in the 7th semester (autumn-winter semester of the 4th year), in the 8th semester (spring-summer semester of the 4th year), in the 3rd semester (autumn- winter semester of the 2nd year). The studies were conducted individually in two academic groups with varying degrees of success, where students received scores on a 100-point scale in the course «Life Safety». Determining the optimal semester of teaching the subject «Safety of Life» during the training of specialists in radio engineering profile was carried out on the basis of the criterion of average success in academic groups with different levels of success in the specified discipline. Comparison of the homogeneity of different samples and their belonging to one general population (future specialists of radio engineering profile) was performed according to Student's criterion. The calculated values ​​of the Student’s test were compared with the critical value for the 95% confidence level. A graphical interpretation of the results is given. Based on the comparison and comparison of data, it is determined that by the criterion of average success in academic groups with different levels of success, the optimal semester of studying the course «Life Safety» is 7 semester (fall-winter semester of the 4th year) in the preparation of future specialists in radio engineering. Establishing the optimal semester of teaching the subject «Life Safety» does not contradict the previously defined optimal sequence of studying the courses «Life Safety» and «Fundamentals of Occupational Safety»: first teaching the safety of life, and then the basics of occupational safety in different semesters, as it allows to study the discipline «Fundamentals of Occupational Safety» in the 8th semester (spring-summer semester of the 4th year).

Author Biography

Oleh Bereziuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair of Security of Life and Safety Pedagogic


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Abstract views: 371



How to Cite

O. Bereziuk, “Problems in Teaching Life Safety in the Course of Training Specialists in Radio ngineering Profile”, ПедБез, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 104–111, Dec. 2019.






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