Evolution of management skills of legal scholars
managerial skills, professional competence, lawyers, globalisation, development of the educational environment, current trends in the development of professional skillsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the evolution of managerial skills of legal scholars as a key element of professional activity in the modern society. With the development of the legal sphere, the requirements for the competencies of specialists are also changing: in addition to a thorough knowledge of legislation, legal professionals must have developed managerial skills, including the organisation of legal processes, effective team management, strategic decision-making and the use of modern technologies.
The article examines the peculiarities of developing managerial skills in the legal profession, their impact on the quality of legal services and compliance with modern challenges. Particular attention is paid to such competences as strategic planning, risk management, communication skills, conflict resolution and adaptation to rapid changes. The role of digitalisation and globalisation in the transformation of approaches to management in law enforcement is revealed.
The authors explore current trends and best practices that contribute to the development of effective management skills in legal professionals. The article also emphasises the importance of developing such competences in the process of professional training of legal professionals, taking into account the needs of the labour market and employers' requests.
The conclusions of the article are aimed at outlining the prospects for improving educational programmes for future lawyers, integrating innovative teaching methods, and strengthening cooperation between educational institutions and legal practice. The results of the study may be useful for teachers, practicing lawyers and legal managers interested in improving the quality of professional activity.
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