Formation of graphic competence of future specialists in technical specialities by means of artificial intelligence




graphic competence, artificial intelligence, technical specialists, individualisation of learning, educational technologies, development of the educational environment


The article considers the use of artificial intelligence tools to improve the efficiency of teaching graphic disciplines. The article analyses the possibilities of AI for personalising the learning process, automated assessment, providing interactive tasks and real-time feedback. Such approaches can increase student motivation, improve the quality of learning outcomes, and make the learning process more adaptive to the individual needs of each student.

Special attention is paid to the impact of AI on the development of professional skills of students of technical specialities. The use of interactive simulations and virtual environments controlled by artificial intelligence helps students to better master complex graphic and spatial concepts. Students have the opportunity to independently work on graphic tasks in a virtual environment that simulates real-world professional conditions, while receiving instant feedback from the system. This approach also promotes critical thinking and creativity in solving graphic problems.

The article also discusses methodological approaches to the introduction of AI into curricula, in particular, the integration of new technologies into the educational process without disrupting traditional educational methods. It is noted that effective integration of AI requires an integrated approach, where technologies work in cooperation with the teacher, complementing traditional teaching methods and creating conditions for the development of the necessary competencies in students. The importance of an integrated approach to the use of artificial intelligence, where technologies complement traditional teaching methods, contributing to the development of graphic competence, is substantiated. Future research will be aimed at an in-depth study of ways to improve the teaching of graphic disciplines using artificial intelligence, as well as their integration into programmes for students with special educational needs.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Kyrylashchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering

Alona Kolomiiets, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics


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How to Cite

S. Kyrylashchuk and A. Kolomiiets, “Formation of graphic competence of future specialists in technical specialities by means of artificial intelligence”, ПедБез, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 50–56, Jul. 2024.






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