Pedagogical competence as a necessary component of professional competence of future technical specialists




professional training, professional education, pedagogical competence, technical specialists, improvement of the educational process, competency-based approach in higher education


The article addresses the pressing issue of developing pedagogical competence as an essential component of the professional competence of future professionals in technical specialties. Various aspects of the process of forming the investigated competence are considered, including its structure, components, and formation methods. It emphasizes that success in technical fields extends beyond technical skills and also requires professionals to effectively communicate, teach, and collaborate with others. The research underscores the importance of developing pedagogical competence in students of technical specialties to prepare qualified professionals who can successfully apply their knowledge and skills in pedagogical and professional activities.

The authors provide a rationale for the methods and approaches used to develop pedagogical competence in students of technical specialties. They offer practical recommendations for educational institutions on integrating pedagogical training into curricula and teaching methodologies for students in technical fields. The importance of motivation for professional growth, the development of integrative skills, and the connection between educational content and practical activities is established. The role of methodological support and modern information technology in the learning process is emphasized. The significance of pedagogical competence as a key element in the successful preparation of future professionals in technical specialties is highlighted, underscoring the necessity for continuous development of this competence throughout one's lifetime to achieve high professional effectiveness.

The prospects for further research will focus on conducting a pedagogical experiment to determine the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical conditions.

Author Biographies

Marina Miastkovska, Ivan Ohiienko Kamenets-Podilskyi National University

Candidate of Sc. (Pedagogical), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science

Iryna Kobylyanska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Candidate of Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair Security of Life and Safety Pedagogic


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How to Cite

M. Miastkovska and I. Kobylyanska, “Pedagogical competence as a necessary component of professional competence of future technical specialists”, ПедБез, vol. 7, no. 1-2, pp. 30–35, Oct. 2023.






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