Motive Activity as Factor of Forming the Culture of Self-preservation of Health of the Concerned Population of Ukraine
motive activity, knowledge, values, culture, health, hypodynamia, weight of laborAbstract
The actuality of the research is related to the high level of morbidity, death rate and subzero life-span of economically active population of Ukraine, in particular busy. This problem is not only demographic, socio-economic, medical, but also pedagogical. Exactly on pedagogics (in the aspect of educator process) presently it costs to do a powerful accent, in fact exactly it allows the facilities to form the culture of health of a person(student, graduate student, worker and others like that). So there is necessity by means of realization of the effective educational programs to form the culture of self-preservation of health of labor population of Ukraine that is examined by us, as its major factor in direction of increase of level of motive activity, culture of industrial safety, change of way of life. In addition, forming the culture of health of citizens is examined as a fundamental constituent of process of educational upbringing. An unsolved task is remained by the increase of level of motive activity, as an important factor of culture of health in the aspect of its self-preservation taking into account educational components.
The aim of the article is the research of the problem of forming the culture of self-preservation of health of labor population of Ukraine in direction of increase of level of their motive activity.
The problem of high level of morbidity, death rate and subzero life-span got actuality in Ukraine. There has been emphasized the importance of its solution by realization of effective public educational policy, in particular by realization of the programs of motive activity. Specific gravity of capable of working population, that has old illness or problem with health in the general structure of population in the separate countries of the world, is analyzed, in particular in Ukraine. The results of researches of home and foreign scientists are generalized in relation to maintenance of concept «culture of health». Authorial determination of term «culture of health» offers taking into account the aspects of its self-preservation and importance of motive activity. It is ratified that the important element of culture of health is its self-preservation and activity of man in all spheres of vital functions. The index of distribution of insufficient physical activity is expected in the separate countries of the world comparatively with Ukraine. The mechanism of worsening of health is driven to connection with the low level of motive activity. The productive factor of labor process – «general energy consumptions of organism» is considered with its possible influence on forming the culture of health on a production. It is well-proven that to promote the level of motive activity that is examined as a factor of forming the culture of self-preservation of health of labor population; it is possible by the capture knowledge that must be based on three components motivational-valued, rich-operational, and emotionally-volitional. There have been offered recommendations in relation to the increase of level of motive activity in direction of forming of culture of self-preservation of health of labor population of Ukraine. It is well-proven that the more consciously a person will take his own health, the higher will be the level of his motive activity, the more independent and more effective he will master knowledge, the higher there will be his culture of health.
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