Ai as a tool to increase the efficiency of distance learning




artificial intelligence, distance learning, training, teaching methods, educational technologies, development of the educational environment


Given the rapid development of technology and the need to ensure quality and accessible education for all, the study of the impact of AI on distance learning is extremely relevant and important for further improving educational processes in the modern world. The article deals with the issue of improving the efficiency of distance learning with the help of artificial intelligence. Theoretical and practical approaches to the use of AI to personalise the learning process, automate assessment and support students in real time are explored. The importance of integrating AI into educational platforms to improve the accessibility and quality of education, especially in the context of distance learning, is substantiated.

The article analyses the impact of AI on the educational process, including the optimisation of educational programmes and the reduction of the workload of teachers. The key advantages of using AI in education are identified, such as individualisation of learning, flexibility in the choice of teaching methods, and increasing student motivation through interactive tools.

It is established that the effective implementation of AI in education requires addressing a number of challenges, including ethical and technical aspects, as well as training teachers to work with new technologies. A promising area for further research is to investigate the potential of AI to support students with disabilities or those with limited access to traditional education.

Author Biography

Vitalina Pugach, Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics

Candidate of Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair Law and Humanities


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Abstract views: 21



How to Cite

V. Pugach, “Ai as a tool to increase the efficiency of distance learning”, ПедБез, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31–36, Jul. 2024.






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