A problem method in the system of fundamentalization of mathematical training of future technical specialists





fundamentalization, mathematical training, problem method, technicians


The article presents the idea of applying the problem method in the system of fundamentalization of
mathematical training of future technical specialists. The stages of application of the problem method in the
process of mathematical training of future technical specialists are analyzed, the main advantages and
disadvantages of using the proposed method in the educational process are given, the main stages of the
application of the problem method in the educational process during the mathematical training of future
technical specialists are given. The work demonstrates an example of the application of the problem method
during the study of higher mathematics topics by future technical specialists.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the problematic method in the process of
fundamentalizing the mathematical training of future technical specialists,
The conducted study of the problematic method and its implementation in the system of
fundamentalization of mathematical training of future technical specialists provides grounds for building a
scheme for its implementation in the educational process. It consists of the following stages: receiving a task
containing a problem; finding ways to solve the problem, realizing the limitations of available resources and
information for solving the task, performing the task taking into account the new knowledge obtained.
The advantages of implementing the problem-based method in the educational process include: focusing
students' attention on the problem, activation of students' mental activity, independent search for ways to solve
the problem, better memorization of ways to solve the problem compared to the traditional explanation of the
Taking into account the multifacetedness of the chosen research topic, future explorations include: the
need for further theoretical and practical research, as well as the development of the concept of implementing
a problem-based method in the process of fundamentalizing mathematical training.

Author Biographies

Alona Kolomiiets, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Candidate of Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the
Chair Higher Mathematics

Igor Abramchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Senior Lecturer of the Chair Higher Mathematics


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Abstract views: 28



How to Cite

A. Kolomiiets and I. Abramchuk, “A problem method in the system of fundamentalization of mathematical training of future technical specialists”, ПедБез, vol. 6, no. 1-2, pp. 43–48, Oct. 2023.






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