Prospects for the Development of Distance Education in the Context of a Competent Approach


  • Maryna Miastkovska Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ogienko National University
  • Iryna Kobylianska Vinnytsia National Technical University



vocational training, distance education, development of professional competence, improvement of educational process, competence approach in high school


The article analyzes the peculiarities of introduction of distance education in Ukraine and the prospects of its development in the domestic educational space. The methodical features of introduction of distance education in the context of a competent approach are considered.

The object of research is the development of distance education in Ukraine.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the peculiarities of the introduction of distance education in Ukraine and to determine the methodological conditions for organizing distance education in the context of a competent approach.

The conducted analysis of the implementation of distance education in Ukraine and in the world provides an opportunity to identify the causes of intensive development of distance education. These include: the growth of the value of highly skilled labor resources for the economic development of the state, increasing the pace of renewal of professional knowledge, aging of the population and limited financial resources.

On the basis of the conducted scientific research and analysis of sources on the research problem, the prospects of the development of distance learning in the process of preparation of specialists in institutions in the conditions of a competent approach were outlined. The prospects of using distance learning in the process of training specialists in institutions in a competency-based approach are: organization of independent work of students and its control without considerable expenses of the teacher; methodical support for the study of a certain discipline, access to which the student has at any time and from any device that has the ability to access the Internet; тo provide a sufficient number of training exercises for the formation of professional competence without the cost of classroom hours; ensuring interdisciplinary integration in the process of professional training. For example, by creating distance courses in specialized languages in a foreign language. An interdisciplinary approach is considered one of the most promising in relation to the professional competence of the future employee as a certain integral quality of the individual.

However, the system of distance learning in Ukraine is currently in the stage of becoming and requires adaptation of the best world experience to Ukrainian realities. The development of distance education in Ukraine requires solving a complex of tasks to justify the organization's specifics and requirements for the development of distance courses for certain categories of the population, while adhering to the requirements of the competent approach, as well as the promotion of distance education in the educational market and labor market.

Thus, the study leads to the assertion that the use of distance education in Ukraine has significant prospects. The rational use of distance courses is possible both in the process of training specialists in higher education institutions and in order to improve the qualification or retraining of the already working population. However, this should also take into account the peculiarities of such education: the conditions for organizing the interaction between the teacher and the students, submission of information, consultations, implementation of final control, age group of students, etc. In addition, in the process of distance learning it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the competent approach and scientific substantiation of the conditions that allow the professional competence of a specialist to be formed as a definite integral quality of the individual.

Author Biographies

Maryna Miastkovska, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ogienko National University

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogical), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Informatics

Iryna Kobylianska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor of the Chair of Security of Life and Safety Pedagogic


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How to Cite

M. Miastkovska and I. Kobylianska, “Prospects for the Development of Distance Education in the Context of a Competent Approach”, ПедБез, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 72–77, Aug. 2019.






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