Development of managerial competence of technical specialists in the digital age
management competence, technical specialists, digital transformation, staff development, vocational education, innovation, competence-based approach in higher educationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the process of developing the managerial competence of technical specialists in the context of digital transformation. Modern challenges caused by the digitalisation of the economy and society require technical specialists not only a high level of professional knowledge, but also the ability to effectively perform managerial functions. The article examines the key components of managerial competence, including leadership skills, strategic thinking, digital literacy, communication skills, project management skills, adaptability to change, and soft skills development.
The article focuses on innovative approaches to training that contribute to the development of managerial skills. In particular, the advantages of an individual approach and personalisation of training, including modular training, adaptive platforms and assessment of the initial level of specialists, are explored. An important role is played by the combination of different teaching methods: theoretical classes, practical tasks, simulations and mentoring. Special attention is paid to the use of digital technologies, such as online platforms, mobile applications, VR/AR and Big Data, to create an interactive learning environment. The article also emphasises the importance of developing a culture of continuous learning that stimulates self-development, exchange of experience and innovation.
Prospects for further research include a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different models of managerial competence development, as well as consideration of the role of artificial intelligence in personalising learning and developing managerial competences.
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