Formation of professional competence of future specialists in professional education using digital technologies




professional training, professional education, development of professional competence, competence approach in higher education, structure of competence, training of future specialists, digital technologies, improving the content of education


The relevance of the study is due to the current state of education as a social institution that determines the professional success and competitiveness of young people in the labor market. The competency-based approach to education is one of the key areas for improving higher education in Ukraine. This approach contributes to the realization of the concept of humanistic education, provides for the training of qualified specialists who have not only in-depth knowledge of their profession, but also are able to navigate in related fields, are ready for continuous professional development and social and professional mobility.

The article considers the content of professional competence of future specialists in vocational education and highlights the principles and approaches aimed at its formation by means of digital technologies. It has been determined that the professional competence of future vocational education specialists is an integrative and dynamic characteristic of a person based on a set of special knowledge, practical skills, abilities and personal qualities. The analysis of the practice of using digital technologies in education has confirmed their significant potential in reforming the content, forms and methods of teaching students. It is noted that the construction of educational interaction on the principles of systematicity, integrity, professional orientation, interactivity, reflection, individualization of learning and social responsibility, as well as the application of the provisions of competence-based, activity-based and personality-oriented approaches will contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists who have a wide range of knowledge and professional skills, show the ability to improve the work process with the help of the latest technologies and have the ability to self-development.

The prospects of the study are to develop a model of professional training of future vocational education specialists using digital technologies and to organize a pedagogical experiment to determine its effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Sofiia Dembitska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Professor of the Chair Security of Life and Safety Pedagogic

Oleksandr Kobylianskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor Sc. (Pedagogical), Professor, Head of the Chair of Security of Life and Safety Pedagogic


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How to Cite

S. Dembitska and O. Kobylianskyi, “Formation of professional competence of future specialists in professional education using digital technologies”, ПедБез, vol. 8, no. 1-2, pp. 1–7, Mar. 2024.






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