Methods and means of formation of critical thinking in students during the study of safe disciplines




critical thinking, safety disciplines, methods of forming critical thinking, student training


Currently, the problem of correct perception of information and its assimilation is acute, because every day students are forced to process a large amount of material, both educational and general, which significantly complicates memorization in class. In modern conditions, this problem has become more acute due to the pandemic, which has led to the need to organize the educational process with the help of distance learning tools and methods.

The competence of students in terms of safety rules both during the work process and in emergency situations is formed during the study of safety disciplines. Also, the acquisition of this area of ​​knowledge should form in students practical skills to prevent emergencies and the correct response in case of their occurrence. That is why high-quality assimilation of material and the ability to use the knowledge gained during the study of these disciplines, in the future play an important role in shaping a safe social environment.

The authors reviewed and analyzed the research of domestic and foreign experts on the formation of critical thinking during the educational process.

The article defines the concept of "critical thinking", presents the process of applying technologies for the development of critical thinking in students while studying in higher education and provides ways to improve the perception of the material.

According to the results of the research, the main methods of forming critical thinking in students during the educational process and, in particular, when studying the block of safety disciplines are determined. It is found out what means the teacher needs to promote the development of a rational perception of the material of security disciplines. It is proposed to use additional online resources that allow you to organize training with the use of multimedia technologies and ensure the simultaneous active interaction of both students with the teacher and between students during the lesson. The advantages and disadvantages of using certain resources are considered.

Author Biographies

Olexandr Polishchuk, Vinnytsya National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Technical), Associate Professorof Department of Life Safety

Inna Vishtak, Vinnytsya National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Technical), Associate Professorof Department of Life Safety

Vita Abramovych, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student Faculty of Building Heating and Gas Supply


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How to Cite

O. Polishchuk, I. Vishtak, and V. . Abramovych, “Methods and means of formation of critical thinking in students during the study of safe disciplines ”, ПедБез, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 82–87, Oct. 2023.






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