Features of the Professional Competence Formation of Future Specialists of the Machine Building Industry During the Study of the Topic «Safety Design of High Speed Spindle Units on the Pneumatic Supports»
training of the specialists of machine-building industry, professional competence, technical thinking, work safetyAbstract
The article analyzes the learning process of the students of the machine-building industry. It is established that engineering thinking occupies a special place among professional competences needed for the successful professional activity of a technical specialist. The aim of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of forming the professional competence of future specialists of the machine-building industry during the study of the topic "Safe construction of high-speed spindle units on the pneumatic supports". Studying of this topic provides acquiring by the students the knowledge and skills of designing of efficient and safe elements of the mechanical equipment. First of all the stress is made on the safety of the machines and mechanisms for metal working, being designed. This stipulates the proposal to use pneumatic supports for spindle units, which are designed for high-speed machine-tools of high precision and allow to increase the rigidity and technological capabilities of the spindle at its high efficiency and satisfy the requirements of electrical, explosion and fire-safety, allowing students to form the culture of safety, which is decisive for the formation of professional competence. We believe that the proposed method of calculating the pneumatic supports with the required static stability of its equilibrium position ensures their efficient and safe use, as well as generates technical thinking and professional competence of future specialists. In addition, this technique of forming technical thinking while studying the topic of safe construction of high-speed spindle units on pneumatic supports, in the conditions of the reduction of time for training of future specialists of the machine-building industry, allows moving from the reproductive training to searching training.
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