Computer-aided Design in the Teaching of Physics as a Means of Introducing Elements of STEM Education in Institutions of Higher Technical Education


  • Olha Kuzmenko Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Kropyvnytskyi



computer aided design systems, physics, teaching methodology, STEM technologies, technical direction, innovative activity


The article analyzes computer-aided design systems, which are advisable to implement in the educational process of studying physics in the ZVTO, taking into account the principles of STEM education. The basic functionalities of computer-aided design systems for Windows are considered: management of design documentation, parametric solid-state modeling (heavy, high or middle class), computer-aided design of technological processes, engineering design applications.

The object of study is a methodology for teaching physics on the basis of computer-aided design systems with the allocation of the main elements of STEM education in ZVTO.

The aim of the article is to analyze the content of physics education as a result of the introduction of software and hardware for computer-aided design systems based on STEM education technologies in the vocational training system for technical specialists.

We have determined that design activities encompass the technical and engineering components of STEM education in physics education, taking into account interdisciplinary and integrated approaches, and disclose formed STEM competencies in subjects of education. Note that the leading means of STEM-education in the technical field should include computer-graphic.

Analyzing the development of innovative activities and modern ICT, the entire design process is performed on a computer using two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics technologies. Accordingly, computer graphics is a system of methods, algorithms, software for entering, processing and displaying graphic information, converting data into a graphic form that reflects the technical elements of STEM education. It is an important component of modern information systems and computer-aided design systems operate on its basis.

The prospect of further research is the development of methods of teaching physics based on computer aided design taking into account the principles of STEM education in institutions of higher technical education.

Author Biography

Olha Kuzmenko, Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Kropyvnytskyi

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Physics and Mathematics


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Abstract views: 396



How to Cite

O. Kuzmenko, “Computer-aided Design in the Teaching of Physics as a Means of Introducing Elements of STEM Education in Institutions of Higher Technical Education”, ПедБез, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 89–96, Dec. 2019.






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