The impact of AI-tutors on the motivation and learning effectiveness of students
artificial intelligence, motivation, learning effectiveness, individualisation of learning, educational technologies, AI tutors, development of the educational environmentAbstract
Given the growing role of artificial intelligence in education, the study of the impact of AI tutors on students' motivation and learning efficiency is relevant and important for improving the quality of the educational process. The article discusses the use of AI tutors as a tool for individualising learning, automating assessment and providing continuous feedback to students. The article analyses their impact on students' motivation, improvement of learning outcomes, and real-time support.
The article aims to analyse how the use of AI tutors can improve the individualisation of learning, increase student motivation and academic performance, and identify possible challenges and limitations of introducing such technologies into the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the challenges associated with the ethical and technical aspects of AI implementation, as well as the possible consequences of reducing social interaction and creativity in learning. The necessity of an integrated approach to the integration of AI tutors into the education system, where technologies complement traditional teaching methods, is substantiated. Prospects for further research on the use of AI to improve the accessibility and quality of education, especially in the context of distance learning, are identified.
Further research will be aimed at an in-depth study of the long-term impact of AI tutors on students' motivation and learning outcomes in different educational contexts.
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