Formation of pedagogical culture of future masters in the field of digital technologies
methodological approaches, professional training, students in the field of digital technologies, pedagogical competence, innovations in educationAbstract
The article analyses the content and components of the pedagogical culture of future masters in digital technologies, as well as its role in the professional development of the future master. The authors emphasise the importance of developing key competences, such as creativity, critical thinking and communication skills, which are crucial for the formation of an individual professional style.
It is substantiated that the effective formation of pedagogical competence involves the use of a set of methodological approaches, such as competence-based, systemic, personality-oriented, activity-based and resource-based. The need for such an integrated approach is determined by the goal of achieving optimal results in improving the professional training of students in higher education institutions. Within the framework of these approaches, the specific conditions that should be taken into account when developing a model for the development of pedagogical culture of future masters in the field of digital technologies are identified. A phased model for the formation of pedagogical culture of future masters in the field of digital technologies is proposed. It is noted that the successful implementation of this model is possible only with an integrated approach aimed at developing both pedagogical and professional competence of future masters in the field of digital technologies.
Prospects for future research are to determine the pedagogical conditions aimed at the targeted development of the pedagogical culture of future masters in digital technologies.
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