Organizational and didactic features of the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the industry of electronics and telecommunications
competence formation, graphic competence, specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications, institutions of higher educationAbstract
The article examines the actual problem of determining the organizational and didactic features of the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications. It is noted that graphic competence is an integral part of the professional competence of future specialists in technical specialties for a number of reasons: ensuring communication; design and modeling; standardization and documentation; training and cooperation; innovation and development. The development of innovative approaches to the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications, like any pedagogical technology, must satisfy some basic methodological requirements. The following can be attributed to them: conceptuality, systematicity, manageability, efficiency, reproducibility.
Summarizing scientific research, didactic conditions for the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications are interpreted as a set of purposefully created, improved and selected teaching methods and techniques to achieve certain didactic goals (formation of graphic competence at a high level). They include the characteristics and peculiarities of professional training, which are taken into account when designing and organizing the educational process in order to optimize the process of students' acquisition of educational experience.
Therefore, the determination of didactic conditions for the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications, with the aim of further building a model of this process, involves the establishment of the following aspects: the characteristics of the cognitive features of students of higher education. The establishment of such features is foreseen at the stage of the pedagogical experiment by analyzing the level of development of cognitive functions, opportunities for analysis, synthesis, awareness of information, etc.; determination of individual characteristics of students, because each of them is a unique individual with his own strengths and weaknesses, interests, learning style, etc. Therefore, didactics should provide opportunities for the development of individual educational trajectory and development; determination of appropriate pedagogical methods and technology to ensure effective formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications.
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