Conduct of analogies in the process of formation of mathematical concepts in technical students
method of analogies, concept, mathematical preparation, students of technical specialtiesAbstract
The article demonstrates the idea of applying the method of analogies in the process of forming mathematical concepts among students of technical specialties. Different approaches to the interpretation of the process of making analogies in the educational process are analyzed. Based on the analysis of scientific studies devoted to the specified issue, the method of conducting analogies is defined as a method of scientific knowledge that allows you to form conclusions about the researched object by comparing it with an already known object. Among other things, the main consequence of mental actions when conducting an analogy is an inference – the result of conducting an analogy, which allows you to draw a conclusion about the similarity or difference of the features (elements) of the studied objects or subjects, as well as their properties. Therefore, the result of analogizing (making an analogy) is students' acquisition of new knowledge about an unknown object (subject).
The method of analogies has two important functions: the transition from a known information object to an unknown one, and the transition from a “simple” information object to its “complex” counterpart. An important feature of the analogy method is its potential for application in the formation of mathematical concepts. Thus, taking into account the dialectical unity of the functional properties of the method of analogies (explanatory and searching functions), the explanatory function of the method of analogies, in particular when forming concepts, is realized by building models for carrying out analogies, which will become the basis for forming an idea of a specific concept (object), searching the function of the method of analogies during the formation of concepts is based on the fact that students carry out an analysis and synthesis of the received information, build hypotheses regarding a specific information structure (concept).
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the method of analogies, to demonstrate its implementation in the process of forming mathematical concepts among students of technical specialties.
The conducted study of the method of analogies allows us to characterize the basic factors of its implementation in the educational process.
Given the multifacetedness of the chosen research topic, the prospects for further research include theoretical and practical developments in the implementation of the concept of the method of conducting analogies in the mathematical training of future technical specialists.
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