Еxperience of Organization of the Process of Study of Mathematics by Students-Foreigners of Preparatory Department


  • Iryna Klieopa Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Nadiia Dubova Vinnytsia National Technical University




students-foreigners, preparatory department, mathematics, test estimation, mathematical terms, mathematical guide, technical university


The experience of organizing the process of teaching mathematics of foreign students of the preparatory department of the technical university is offered. Math occupies a significant place in the preparatory department. But, as our experience shows, one of the first issues is the level of knowledge of Ukrainian-language listeners and mathematical terminology.

In addition, faculty faced the problem of a significant gap between the levels of their mathematical preparation. Consequently, these problems make it necessary to seek modern approaches to the organization of the educational process of foreign citizens at the pre-university preparatory stage, the development of author's teaching methods, and the creation of such educational and methodological materials that will improve the general system of studying foreign entrants in the preparatory courses of Ukraine. Training for such foreign-language listeners is an initial stage that has its own peculiarities, because in a rather short time they have to learn not only a sufficient amount of theoretical and practical knowledge in mathematics, its application for solving professional tasks, but also to create its own mathematical base, to form the communicative skills and skills that will be needed for them to participate fully in the life of the University, as well as its application for solving professional tasks.

Testing in modern education has become an integral part of the learning process. After determining the degree of knowledge in the Ukrainian language, reading mathematical formulas and expressions there is a joint frontal work on the creation of a dictionary of mathematical terms. The rating system is a stimulating factor in motivating the training of students for each lesson, since each lesson is testing based on the results of independent non-auditing work. So, the listener foreigner regularly receives points for each topic. This gives him the opportunity to go back to working out the gaps in the mastered topic. The results of the entrance testing are satisfactorily correlated with the results of the exam at the end of the semester, but at the same time allow the teacher to address the student-foreigner trajectory training.

Author Biographies

Iryna Klieopa, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Laboratory Assistant of the Chair of Higher Mathematics

Nadiia Dubova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Lecturer of the Chair of Higher Mathematics


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How to Cite

I. Klieopa and N. Dubova, “Еxperience of Organization of the Process of Study of Mathematics by Students-Foreigners of Preparatory Department”, ПедБез, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 33–42, Aug. 2019.






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