Improving the permit organization of students of higher educational institutions
self development, student leisure, retreat, workshop, seminar, collaboration, sociological research, fundraising, educationAbstract
In the field of higher education, the focus on academic achievements often overshadows an equally important aspect of holistic personal development, which is impossible without the effective utilization of non-academic time. This article explores the transformative potential of a three-day retreat as a unique and crucial leisure opportunity to foster the holistic personal development of university students. Delving into the planning, execution, and enduring impact of such retreats, this comprehensive analysis aims to shed light on the ways in which universities can redefine education beyond the classroom, unlocking the full potential of their students.
Enhancing the leisure of university students for personal development requires a multidisciplinary approach involving experts in psychology, education, sociology, and related fields. The goal of such initiatives is to provide students with a comprehensive, enriching experience that contributes to personal growth, self-awareness, and overall well-being during the three-day retreat.
Furthermore, involving experts and active professionals from various companies as participants and organizers of such events will deepen and broaden collaboration between universities and stakeholders. This, in turn, will contribute to strengthening the educational institution's position in the educational landscape and empower students to become competitive in the modern labor market.
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