Mathematical orientation of professional training of future engineers in the field of electronics and telecommunications




engineer, vocational training, mathematical training, electronics and telecommunications


The article analyzes the literature sources of the researched problem, gives an interpretation of the definitions of "engineering", "engineer". Experienced engineers conducted an expert study on the importance of the acquired competencies by specialists for their successful professional activity. The analysis of expert research is made. When studying mathematics and mathematical disciplines in higher technical educational institutions, students form the vast majority of these skills: the ability to think logically, the ability to collect, process and analyze information, etc.; these skills are identified by experts as those necessary to achieve a high level of professional engineering.
Educational qualification programs for bachelors in the field of electronics and telecommunications of a number of higher technical educational institutions are analyzed.
The analysis of the general-professional and specialized professional competencies envisaged for the formation in the educational process, which are formulated in the educational-professional programs, allows us to conclude that both general and special professional competencies provide thorough mathematical training for students.
During this process, students develop not only mathematical competencies, but also skills and abilities that are broader and cover a certain part of the skills and abilities provided in general-professional and specialized professional competencies. It is concluded that the study of mathematics and mathematical disciplines is crucial for the formation of a highly qualified specialist.
The following research methods were used in the work: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, observations, questionnaires.

Author Biography

Alona Kolomiets, Vinnitsia National Technical University

Doctor Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair Higher Mathematics


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How to Cite

A. Kolomiets, “Mathematical orientation of professional training of future engineers in the field of electronics and telecommunications ”, ПедБез, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 94–101, Oct. 2023.






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