Anthropological determinants of humanistic educational concepts
anthropologism, anthropocentrism, anthropological concept, humanistic education, humanistic values, value-centered attitude to a person, will for active humanistic activityAbstract
The article describes the anthropological concept, its role in the organization of humanistic education based on the anthropocentrism principle. In the article the theoretical and methodical principles of humanistic education studies based on anthropocentric ideas are scientifically proved; the scientific-methodical system and the research concept are developed on methodological, theoretical and practical levels; the level of the psychological and pedagogical scientific studies, educational practice development and subsequently the peculiarities of youth’s humanistic education based on anthropocentric ideas and its role as the main factor of the education humanization process is investigated, the main principles of the humanistic transformations methodology in education is clarified. The notion and structure of a value-centered attitude to a person as a universal, complex personal quality were defined. The criteria of mastering basic humanistic values by modern youth in order to form personal value-centered attitudes (cognitive, motivational, operational and productive), indicators (external and internal), levels of the quality under study were developed. Organizational and pedagogical conditions were defined, proved and implemented, methodological approaches of solving the problem were improved. An important role is played by the subject-to-subject interaction, cooperative creative activity, humanization of partner relationships, scientific and methodological provisions, content, forms, methods and means of educational work.
Anthropological educational concepts are described in the article, a fragment of the study concerning the improving the pupils’ level of a value-centered attitude to a person process is presented, the results of work are summarized. The dynamics analysis of teaching a value-centered attitude to a person to pupils of different age groups has proved the suitability of the author's technology. At all stages of the experiment positive changes concerning basic humanistic values mastering, which was implemented in behavior and value-centered attitude to a person took place in the personality’s structure by the cognitive, motivational, operational and productive criteria.
Keywords: anthropologism; anthropocentrism; anthropological concept; humanistic education; humanistic values; value-centered attitude to a person; will for active humanistic activity.
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