management methods, professionally pedagogical intercourse, educational process, teaching methods, professional knowledges, pedagogical receptionsAbstract
Actuality of the use of different methods of management and professionally pedagogical intercourses which are used by teachers for organization of educational process has been presented in the article. Varying of these methods and styles of teaching will allow a teacher to increase the efficiency of educational process due to enhancement exposure of depth of professional knowledge and use of different pedagogical receptions in an educational process and process of collaboration with an audience.
The research object is methods and management methods and pedagogical professional socializing of teachers with students.
The purpose of work is the analysis and estimation of efficiency of the use of typical methods of management and pedagogical professional intercourse of teachers with students and determination of the most effective approaches to organ-ization of educational process.
Analysis and estimation of possible variants of guidance and professionally pedagogical socializing of teacher with students proves that every teacher has the personal style which can show both the typical brightly expressed and a combi-nation of different styles. However the use of one style as the basic one requires from the teacher the flexible changes in form of socializing and construction of personality and pedagogical mutual relations with an audience depending on different situations. So a teacher must hold back from the obvious personality prevailing before an audience, showing respect in attitude toward a student, as a bread-winner and future professional, keeping here prevailing in a professional plan.
The best combination of styles of guidance and professionally pedagogical intercourse will be style which will allow to use the strong sides maximally full and effectively, that, foremost, will show up in the depth of professional knowledge and use of different pedagogical receptions in an educational process and process of collaboration with an audience, and will allow successfully to hide and minimum show some weak sides of own temperament and character and personality on the whole.
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