On digital technologies as a scientific problemping professional culture of future technical specialists





professional training, professional education, specialists in technical specialties, safety culture


The article examines the current problem of forming a safety culture of future specialists in digital technologies studying in technical institutions of higher education. An analysis of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study was carried out, in particular the terms: computer literacy, cyber literacy, Internet literacy, electronic literacy, information literacy, digital literacy, cyber safety. The latter term has been used by Western scholars who consider it in the context of the use of digital technologies and computers. Therefore, they understand cyber security as the formation of safe behavior in the online environment, based on the responsible use of the Internet and mobile technologies, as well as implemented measures that counteract possible risks. The use of the concept of digital literacy is proposed, as it includes not only the ability to use computer technologies, but also the ability to analyze information in the online environment, taking into account social, cultural, political and educational aspects in one's professional activity.

The results obtained as a result of the analysis of psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature on the problem of forming a culture of safety in professional activity indicate that, despite certain achievements, this direction has not received conceptual clarity. Currently, even the term "safety culture of professional activity" does not have a scientifically based definition. Theoretical searches indicate the need to clarify its content and structure. In particular, for digital professionals, understanding and implementing a security culture becomes an integral part of their professional development. This involves not only technical skills, but also a deep understanding and internal adaptation of values and approaches that contribute to ensuring cyber security in the modern digital environment on the one hand, and on the other hand - compliance with the requirements for the organization of work in the process of professional activity.

Author Biography

Oleksii Zhmurko , Vinnytsia National Technical University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Life Safety and Safety Pedagogy


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How to Cite

O. . Zhmurko, “On digital technologies as a scientific problemping professional culture of future technical specialists”, ПедБез, vol. 8, no. 1-2, pp. 51–56, Mar. 2024.






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