Definitive analysis of key concepts of the professional training of future human rights defenders in institutions of higher education




human rights defender, institution of higher education, professional competence, legal competence, professional competence of a human rights defender, model of professional training of future jurists


The article provides a definitive analysis of key concepts in the professional training of future human rights defenders in higher education institutions. The problem of training future specialists for various aspects of professional activity, in particular legal protection, attracts the attention of the domestic scientific community today. The result of this is the emergence of scientific works that present the results of the search for effective ways of forming the legal competence of future specialists in non-legal specialties, the development of the legal culture of young people, and the improvement of legal awareness of adults.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the terminological apparatus related to the formation of professional competence of future specialists in the field of law.

In the process of a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the problem of professional training of future human rights defenders in institutions of higher education, the following leading terms of the research problem were singled out: “competence”, “professional competence”, “legal competence”, “human rights defender”, “human rights protection activity”, “professional competence of a human rights defender”, “professional training of future human rights defenders” and “model of professional training of future human rights defenders in higher education institutions by means of distance learning”.

Therefore, building a model of professional training of future legal scholars in institutions of higher education will allow to determine the conditions for the development of their professional competence and increase the efficiency of the educational process. Therefore, within the scope of our research, the model of professional training of future legal scholars in institutions of higher education is a way of formalizing the studied pedagogical phenomenon, with the help of which its main features and properties are tracked.

Taking into account the multifaceted nature and complexity of the research topic, it is necessary to continue further theoretical development and practical testing of the developed model of professional training of future human rights defenders in higher education institutions by means of distance learning.


Author Biography

Vitalina Puhach, Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Western Ukrainian National University

Candidate of Sc. (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair Law and Humanities


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How to Cite

V. Puhach, “Definitive analysis of key concepts of the professional training of future human rights defenders in institutions of higher education”, ПедБез, vol. 7, no. 1-2, pp. 16–29, Oct. 2023.






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