Digitization of teaching physics and technical disciplines in the training of aviation specialists
digitalization, STEM-education, the technical institution of higher education, methods of teaching physics, technical disciplinesAbstract
The article analyzes the definition of digitalization, the main trends of digital development about to with concerning to the educational space, bridging the digital divide in Ukraine by following per under with the analytical data of the Institute of the Future. It was found that one of the means of digitalization of education is STEM-learning and implementation in the educational process of technical free STEM-technologies in the study of physics and technical disciplines based on of interdisciplinary, integrated and professionally oriented approaches. The applied element of physics and avionics with the selection of STEM-components according to the working curricula for the specialty 272 Aviation is considered.
The object of research is a method of teaching physics and technical disciplines based on STEM-education technologies based on digital development.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the definition of «digitalization» of current legislation, consideration of methodological features of teaching physics and technical disciplines based on STEM-technologies in technical free economic zones, to further outline areas for improving the training of highly qualified aviation professionals.
The analysis of the selected factors showed new qualities of the components of STEM-education through new qualities of the education system as a whole. For example, the use of integrated learning methods and appropriate STEM-learning technologies contributes to the formation of students' extracurricular competencies: the ability to use communication tools, enter data into a computer, recognize messages generated by IT-technologies, communicate with team members, formulate and communicate comrades of judgment. They are important components of the general culture of the citizen of the information society.
The introduction of digital technologies in the teaching of physics and technical disciplines in free economic education requires the development of a modern model of the educational process, the key difference of which should be the focus on training highly qualified competitive specialists to the current requirements of society to independent initiation and implementation of innovative activities on the basis of STEM-education.
Thus, the digitalization of education, including teaching in physics and technical disciplines, combines theoretical and practical research in the field of aviation. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the purpose of training, which should facilitate the selection and structure of the content in physics and technical disciplines, the optimal organization of the educational process in physics, the implementation of STEM-methods, techniques and teaching aids, take into account the teacher’s qualification level and objective methods in physics-based on STEM-technologies in technical institutions of higher education.
Prospects for further research we see the development of methods for teaching physics using digital technologies based on STEM-education based on a synergistic approach.
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