Formation of the Content of the Study of Atmospheric Air Monitoring on the Basis of Didactic Reduction
didactic reduction, learning content, environmental monitoring, atmospheric air, statistics, ecologyAbstract
Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific, technical and methodological literature, study and summarizing the experience of didactic reduction methods developing, using the methods of statistics, a method of didactic reduction of the learning content of atmospheric air of the environmental monitoring has been developed. The method corresponds to the features of didactic reduction – it helps to transform the content into a certain form and coordinate it with the study time, and also ensures the formation of a volume of sufficient information to learn a specific aspect of the topic of atmospheric air of the environmental monitoring. The implementation of the method leads to a decrease in time for measurements, calculations, and analysis when obtaining an approximate result with statistically small errors. It leads to the maximization of information about the results obtained under conditions of limited study time, as well as under conditions of limited time for its implementation in future professional activities. The reduction method comprises the following steps: selection of research objects and identification of partial indicators for protection and use of atmospheric air evaluation; data collection for analysis; standardization of partial indicators and calculation the integral indicator for protection and use of atmospheric air evaluation; identification of partial indicators that are the most important in their influence on the integral indicator on the basis of multiple regression; clustering research objects in order to determine their excellent characteristics and typical cluster representatives; formation of conclusions and implementation of the reduction method of the learning content of atmospheric air of the environmental monitoring. The results of the regression model are adequate which is evidenced by the high values of the coefficient of determination, Adj. R2 = 0,9999, the adjusted coefficient of determination, R2 = 0,9999, and by the low value of the standard error, Std. Error = 0.0003.
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