Application of the Maple System at the Study of «Differential Number» for Students of Foreign Employment in the Institution of Higher Technical Education
Maple system, task generator, foreign language learners, preparatory department, short reference book, institution of higher technical educationAbstract
The article shows the relevance of the use of the Maple system during the study of mathematics with students of a foreign branch. On the example of practical lesson «Application and methods of differential calculus», the experience of overcoming the problem of activating the independent work of foreign students in the technical ZVO is highlighted. The method of adaptation of the Maple system to the study of the derivative with students of the foreign branch is described. The content and organizational form of such classes can be implemented in the process of training students of technical field.
The current tendency of education is characterized by an increase in the share of independent work. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of training is the formation of skills and abilities of independent work, activating it in various accessible ways. The practice of teaching mathematics to foreign students in the preparatory department shows that the success of mastering the educational material in the process of independent work is not ideal. The organization of independent work in traditional education is complicated by the lack of educational textbooks for foreign students. The authors developed their approach to organizing independent work of the student in its various forms.
Since higher mathematics is compulsory for all faculties of FTI, in the process of training foreign-language students in the preparatory department it is necessary to solve the problem of equalization of knowledge in mathematics to the school curriculum of Ukraine. Solving the problems of overcoming the academic differences in mathematical preparation and the formation of the readiness of foreign students for the preparatory department to study higher mathematics should take place on the basis of an individual approach during the educational process, which is based on the application of ICT.
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