Pedagogical conditions for the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications by means of digital technologies
professional training, professional education, specialists in technical specialties, pedagogical conditions, innovative teaching methodsAbstract
The article deals with the actual problem of determining the pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of graphic competence in the future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications by means of digital technologies and other professional qualities necessary for the implementation of successful professional activities in the modern digital world.
To determine the pedagogical conditions for the formation of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications graphic competence by means of digital technologies, the method of survey and independent expert evaluations was used.
Of the 11 pedagogical conditions proposed for expert evaluation, four were selected that have a high and very high degree of agreement of the experts' opinions. Therefore, we believe that the following pedagogical conditions will have a positive impact on the formation of graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications using digital technologies: creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest and providing motivation to carry out professional activities of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications; willingness of scientific and pedagogical workers to promote the development of graphic competence of applicants; gradual development of graphic competence as an integral component of the applicant's professional competence; the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in order to activate the educational and cognitive activities of the applicants.
The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in order to activate the educational and cognitive activities of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications in order to form their graphic competence by means of digital technologies has a number of advantages, in particular: improving the quality of education, developing creative abilities and independence of students, increasing motivation to study, etc. Among the promising methods for forming the graphic competence of future specialists in the field of electronics and telecommunications using digital technologies are the following: interactive technologies that allow students to actively interact with each other in the process of mastering educational material, in particular, the brainstorming method, the project method, etc.; game technologies, among which we see promising didactic games, scenario games, simulation games, etc.; distance learning technologies as a means of improving graphic skills and abilities; problem-based learning technologies that allow students to develop critical thinking, creative abilities, and practical skills.
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