The influence of cultural conflicts on the educational process in technical higher education institutions




cultural conflict, culture, conflict;, humanities;, ethnic identification, tolerance.


The article reveals the problem of cultural conflicts among student youth and their impact on the educational process. The concept of «cultural conflict» is analyzed from the point of view of domestic and foreign scholars, methods for determining the levels of cultural conflict among students are proposed.
The aim of the article is to analyze and determine the causes and manifestations of cultural conflicts among young people using psychological and pedagogical methods and tests.
The psychology of adolescence is reflected, the characteristic feature of which is the strengthening of conscious motives for behavior. This is a period of great activity in the physical, psychological and mental development of a young person, when building their own views on life, and this period is quite difficult, which has an impact on the perception of other cultures. Attention is drawn to the importance of the humanities in technical institutions of higher education and their importance in the formation of tolerance towards other ethnic groups. The example of the discipline «Psychology of personality» shows the forms of work with students that affect their understanding of cultural conflict. The importance of testing and training in the formation of a tolerant attitude towards other cultures is described. The results of methods for determining the index of tolerance (determination of high, medium and low level of tolerance) and types of ethnic identification (ethnonigilism, ethnic identity, positive identity, ethnoegoism, ethnoisolationism, ethnofascism) are presented. Based on the results of the presented methods and their results, a description is provided with elements of training, which aims to help students overcome their own prejudices against other ethnic groups and social groups, the formation of intercultural communication and perception of other nationalities, their cultural characteristics.
Prospects for the study are the further introduction of various methods and training to identify cultural conflicts among student youth in the educational process, where students are active participants and their introduction will help to understand the problem and prevent cultural conflict.

Author Biography

Olena Hrechanovska, Vinnitsia National Technical University

Doctor Sciences (Pedagogical), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair Philosophy and Humanities


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Abstract views: 24



How to Cite

O. Hrechanovska, “The influence of cultural conflicts on the educational process in technical higher education institutions ”, ПедБез, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 102–108, Oct. 2023.






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