Мethodical ways of junior schoolchildren’ mental work culture education
intellectual development, universal educational actions, picture of the world, cognitive interest, problem tasks, reflection, assimilation of concepts, self-organization, self-controlAbstract
The article reveals the description experience of practical work for junior schoolchildren educating culture of mental work.
The cornerstone of any educational concept is the idea of intellectual development of the pupil who finds ways to solve it in different methods, technologies, didactic and educational models. Traditionally, the intellectual development of the student is considered to be the prerogative of didactics. Meanwhile, without mental education it is impossible to form a proper level of intelligence of a child, because didactics equips the individual with applied tools for learning about the world, and successful use of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies in everyday life is impossible without emotional experience, reflection on personal achievements and development. That helps in organizing, regulating human activities in the world.
Modern pedagogical science has an integrated approach in defining the concept of learning ability - it combines the personal characteristics of the student with the semantic and procedural basis of learning and is interpreted as a regulatory universal learning action, mastery of which ensures success in cognitive activity at all stages and levels of education.
In a wider context, universal learning activities are considered to be as the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through conscious and active assimilation of social experience. In this sense, they can be correlated with the concept of "culture of mental work", which means a quality that is manifested not only in education but also in other activities – such as playing and working. The purpose of forming a culture of mental work is to develop the child's readiness to implement various activities in society and the biological environment and the formation of a holistic picture of the world, which is constantly recognized and enriched with new intellectual and emotional aspects of meaning.
Methodical aspects of mental work culture formation of the younger schoolchildren discover forms of the organization of educational activity of pupils; selection of exercises and tasks that help the child to understand the purpose of each intellectual operation, to comprehend it and integrate it into a holistic system of operations and to master the algorithm of action; development by schoolchildren of own algorithms of educational actions. Such exercises include reflexive tasks, solving puzzles, composing short texts with explanations, establishing analogies, composing riddles and crossword puzzles, problem tasks.
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