Influence of quantitative composition of study groups on the success of students in the discipline “Life safety and basics of labor protection” during the training of radio technical professionals
average academic performance, basic of labor protection, life safety, training of specialists, radio engineering profileAbstract
The paper conducts an up-to-date study to determine the dependence of average academic performance on the number of students in the subgroup when studying the discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection" during the training of future radio engineering specialists. In order to determine the dependence of average academic performance on the number of students in the subgroup when studying the discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection" during the training of future radio engineering specialists, the academic performance of students who studied this discipline was analyzed. The research was conducted separately in academic groups with different quantitative composition, where students received grades on a 100-point scale in the discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection". The study used the method of regression analysis of the results of univariate experiments and other paired dependencies with the choice of the best type of function from the sixteen most common variants according to the criterion of the maximum value of the correlation coefficient. The regression was performed on the basis of linearization transformations, which make it possible to reduce the nonlinear dependence to a linear one. Determination of the coefficients of regression equations was carried out by the least squares method using the developed computer program «RegAnaliz», which is protected by a certificate of copyright registration for the work. A graphical dependence of average academic performance on the number of students in the subgroup when studying the discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection" during the training of future radio engineering specialists is constructed, which allows us to clearly illustrate this dependence and show sufficient convergence of theoretical results with actual data. As a result, it was found that with an increase in the number of students in the subgroup, the average academic performance decreases according to the hyperbolic law, which confirms the need to divide large groups into subgroups during laboratory and practical classes during the study of the discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection" by radio engineering students. In addition, in order to better assimilate the material and increase the average academic performance, it is advisable to perform laboratory work in this discipline in teams of no more than 5 students.
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