Remote performance of laboratory classes from module 2 “Fundamentals of occupational health and safety” discipline “Life safety and fundamentals of labor protection”
coronavirus, distance learning, laboratory work, virtual experiment, touch voltage, step voltage, methodical instructionsAbstract
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the pandemic of the infectious disease COVID-19 is spreading in the world and in Ukraine. This requires the introduction of radical changes in the educational process of higher education institutions, in particular the conduct of laboratory work in the disciplines of the cycle of labor protection.
The purpose of the article is to study the problem of development and implementation of remote laboratory classes in the study of the module 2 "Fundamentals of labor protection" based on the functioning of the electronic system JetIq VNTU. The object of the study is the educational distance training of bachelor students in the institutions of the cycle of disciplines in labor protection. The subject of research is the theory and methods of development and implementation of remote laboratory classes in the module 2 "Fundamentals of labor protection" on the topic «Research of touch and step voltage».
The Regulations on distance and blended learning of Vinnytsia National Technical University are considered and the emphasis is placed on the need to introduce virtual experiments in conducting laboratory classes in the disciplines of the cycle of labor protection. The main elements of the scheme of realization of the educational platform − JetIq VNTU learning management system are generalized and examples of the corresponding interaction «Teacher – Student» are given. A virtual laboratory lesson with a detailed description of it, which is given in the guidelines for its remote implementation on the topic «Investigation of contact voltage and step" in the discipline discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection" (module 2 "Fundamentals of labor protection") for students of educational degree Bachelor in the field of knowledge 07 − Management and administration in the electronic system JetIq VNTU. The structure of methodical instructions for the laboratory lesson «Investigation of contact and step voltage» in the discipline discipline "Life safety and basics of labor protection" (module 2 "Fundamentals of labor protection"). Conducting the experimental part, summarizing and forming a student report and communication in the system «Teacher – student».
These guidelines allowed in the quarantine conditions to approach in the mode of a virtual experiment to investigate the physical processes that occur when a person is exposed to the voltage of touch and step; take readings from the voltmeter and ammeter; to construct the corresponding schedules, in particular concerning action on the person of force of current; draw conclusions, etc. Developed and implemented guidelines for conducting a virtual experiment «Study of the voltage of touch and step» allow in practice to consolidate the knowledge that was learned as a result of the lecture «Fundamentals of Electrical Safety», in video conferencing, based on the platform «Google Meet». This should raise the professional level of future graduates and form a holistic system of occupational safety competencies, which will ultimately save their lives and health in the process of professional activity.
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