Development of Occupational Competence of Employees
occupational safety, accidents, new technologies, safety at work, safety reports, psychological healthAbstract
The article deals with the main problems that exist in the field of labor protection in Ukraine, including: insufficient financing of measures and means of labor protection, lack of management system in executive branches, improper working conditions, etc. Statistical data demonstrates the state of safety of labor, where most of the main productive assets are physically worn out, morally outdated, and new domestic machines, in absolute majority do not meet safety requirements. It is noted that much attention is paid to occupational safety and health at work in the countries of the European Union, in its structure there are several bodies specially dealing with the problems of working life. Among the topics that are especially studied in the EU, the stress of the workplace has been noted. The modern directions of development of this sphere are analyzed, aimed at updating the state policy of labor protection, introduction of the latest technologies and software, paying special attention to the individual experience of workers and their psychological state. The directions of activity that are dominant in the modern system of labor protection in Ukraine and in the world and ways of using modern technologies to improve the safety of workers in the workplace, namely, the introduction of the concept of digital jobs. The main directions of international cooperation of Ukraine in the field of labor protection are highlighted.
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