Theoretical Principles of Teaching Life Safety in Educational Institutions of Ukraine
life safety, safety culture, danger, types of dangers, content of education, levels of education, educational institutionsAbstract
The article describes the content of the concept of human life safety, culture of life safety, danger, content of the purpose of education in the field of life safety, describes the natural, man-made, socio-political and combined dangers. The data on the functioning of potentially dangerous and high risk objects in Ukraine are presented. The purpose and content of life safety education are outlined and the objective and subjective factors that determine it are described. The main trends in life safety education are outlined. Theoretical foundations of life safety training are offered to ensure its continuity and interconnection between different levels of the education system (complete general secondary education, vocational (vocational) education, higher education). Pupils in general educational institutions should have the basics of a culture of personal and collective security, the ability to provide domedic assistance, knowledge of how to rescue and transport victims, etc .; students should be able to assess their own physical, physiological and psychological abilities. At the level of vocational (vocational-technical) education, knowledge on taxonomy, identification and quantification of the studied dangers, characteristic for professional activity, methods and methods of individual and collective protection against them, basics of life safety management, issues of administrative and public control should be expanded. A graduate of a higher education institution must acquire knowledge and skills to protect individuals and groups from dangerous factors by targeting their actions and those of staff; and a general culture of personal and collective security must be formed.
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