Оrganization of Independent Learning of Future Officers of Missile and Artillery Arma-ment
military institution of higher education, independent learning, officer of missile and artillery armament, organizational and methodological support, electronic teaching complex of the subject, teaching methodsAbstract
The article analyzes the process of independent learning organization of future officers of missile and artillery armament (MAA) during their professional training in the military institution of higher education (MIHE), based on the complex approach by different forms of in-class and after-class activities and their control. The definitions of the related concepts are given – “independent learning” and “independent work”. The levels of independent learning are determined, as well as the conditions which provide successful independent work of future officers of MAA. For the efficient organization of independent learning from the perspective of cross-cutting and progressive competence formation of future officers of MAA, a teacher should create the educational environment where the informational elements are electronic teaching complexes of the subjects (ETCs) with a modular structure. ETCs contain the materials according to the modules (methodological, informative, and monitoring) of each subject, reference to the Internet resources, individual assignments for independent training of MAA cadets, etc. These ETCs save time for preparing for classes, help monitor the quality of independent work. The screenshots of the electronic library of Military Academy (Odesa) are given, it includes all ETCs which are used in the educational process of training of future officers of MAA.
The example of additional organizational and methodological support of independent learning is presented for those MAA cadets who missed the lesson as a result of specific educational process in MIHE (duties, leaves, etc.), in “Missiles and Ammunition” by creating educational films. While watching them, the cadets can imagine their presence at the lesson due to both visual methods (illustration, demonstration, etc.) and verbal methods of teaching (description and explanation). For experimental purposes a youtube channel is created with educational films for independent learning. Every cadet has access to those films. The youtube channel address and screenshots in “The Purpose, Structure and Principles of Bomber GPV-2” are given.
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