Theoretical Basis for the Implementation of the Competence Approach in the Processof Fundamental Mathematical Training of Specialists in Technical Specialities
competence, competence-based approach, professional-oriented mathematical competence, fundamental mathematical training, brain neuroplasticityAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of introducing a competence-based approach to the educational process, in particular with the fundamental mathematical training of specialists in technical specialties. A review of the literature relating to the problem field of the competence-based approach was carried out; the author’s enterpretation of this definition was given.
The object of research is the formation of mathematical, professionally-directed mathematical competences of students of technical specialties.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the existing approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of competence, competence-based approach, to analyze the implementation of the competence-based approach in the educational process in the context of the theory of neuroplasticity of the human brain, as well as the formation of professionally-directed mathematical competences in the context of this theory.
For the formation of a specific competence, several factors are needed: the time period during which the formation of competence takes place, the personality motivation to the formation of competence, the activity of the personality, contributes to the formation of competence, external influential influential factors caused by the teacher's actions. The listed factors of competence formation correspond to the conditions of formation of new neural connections in the human brain, which reflect new ways of thinking and actions, correlate with the concept of brain neuroplasticity. An example of the formation of operational-algorithmic competence in the process of fundamental mathematical training of students of technical specialties is given.
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