Application of Innovative Technologies in the Process of Discipline «International Law» by Students Of Legal Specialties
debates, elements of debate, forms of debates, project technology of teachingAbstract
The article deals with the study of pedagogical conditions and methodical aspects of the need for the introduction of free debate during the study of the discipline «International Law» by students of legal specialties.
There have been revealed methodical aspects of using debates in the teaching of law students, such as goals and main elements, choice of format, theme design, organizational preparation and evaluation of results. The main attention is paid to highlighting the peculiarities of the implementation of the debate of the students of legal specialties as the basis for activating their cognitive activity and motivating future professional development. The analysis of pedagogical and legal literature, as well as the experience of practical activities of institutions of higher education, indicate that the need for the implementation of project technologies in the educational process is not fully understood and needs further research. In addition, in the process of analysis and research of the topic, a number of problems were identified in the field of the implementation of free debate as an element of project technology in the educational process of the o institutions of higher education:
- there are a small number of teachers who can take on the role of facilitator and create favorable conditions for the development of free debate in classes;
- lack of quality textbooks and manuals with methodological guidelines for the introduction of free debate in the study of legal disciplines;
- absence of new curricula that meet the requirements of time;
- lack of clear algorithms and procedures for implementing the method of free debate during the study of legal disciplines.
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